Mehr Zeit fürs Handwerk

Mit Caturix befreist du Bauführer und Projektleiter von aufwändigen administrativen Aufgaben wie Planung oder Koordination deiner Mitarbeitenden.
Screenshot of weekly planning per group

Kennst du diese Situationen? Dann ist Caturix die Lösung für dich.

Telefon klingelt dauernd

Täglich unzählige Anrufe von deinen Mitarbeitenden mit Fragen zu ihren Aufgaben.

Fotos auf Whatsapp

Baustellenfotos in der privaten Whatsapp, die mühsam im Projektordner abgelegt werden müssen.

Immer im Büro

Als Bauführer oder Projektleiter verbringst du mehr Zeit im Büro als auf der Baustelle.


Deine Notizen zu den Baustellen sind überall verteilt und du versinkst im Papierchaos.

Unsicher, ob alles fertig ist

Du hast keinen Überblick über deine Planung und reagierst mehr als du agierst.

Wachsender Zeitdruck

Dein Arbeitsalltag wird immer vielseitiger, anspruchsvoller und immer länger.
Project view screenshot
Project management

Manage projects

Keep track of your projects.
Communicate project-specifically
Create tasks for your employees
Write director reports and acceptance reports
Possible from anywhere, e.g. directly on the construction site
And much more...
Discover project management
Screenshot of the daily schedule per group

Plan shifts

Create deployment daily shiftplans for your groups.
Plan your resources by dragging and dropping
Keep track of your tasks
Create new assignments and groups
Plan for the short and long term in the daily, weekly or average view.
And much more...
Get to know shift planning
Screenshot of the own text offer tool

Create offers

Reduce your costs for your offer process.
Write simple offers with own positions
Create additional offers, dimensions and compilations
And much more...
Screenshots of mobile time tracking per day, week and month
Time tracking

Record working hours

Keep an eye on your employees' working hours.
Time tracking on the smartphone
Track working hours per task
Management of absences and vacations
Export hours for your payroll
And much more...
Lerne die Zeiterfassung kennen
Project view screenshotScreenshot of weekly planning per groupScreenshot of the own text offer toolVereinfachte Zeiterfassung über das Smartphone

“We free construction managers and project managers from administration so that they can spend more time where it counts: on the construction site and in the factory. ”

Patrick Wüthrich, Scaffolder & CEO

Patrick Wüthrich

Building administration for the future

Developed by long-time construction managers to digitize construction site processes.

Stay up to date

Always stay up to date on the most important events in a busy working day
Illustrate notifications


Make data-based decisions and keep an eye on your company's performance.
Illustration of relevant key figures


Say goodbye to endless piles of paper and work digitally.
Illustrating the digital signature

Work anywhere

Get work done from anywhere you have Internet access.
Web login illustration


Work together and at the same time with your team.
Illustration of synchronous planning

Your office in your pocket

Work with mobile apps on your smartphone.

Gain more time for craftsmanship

Try Caturix free for 30 days